The Governing Body

Each school on the Isle of Man, under the Education Act 2001, has a governing body, who, in consultation with the Headteacher, is responsible for the general direction and running of the school.

The current Governors are:

Chair of Governors and Education Board Member - Mr Ray Smith

Headteacher Governor - Will Nelson

Community Governor - Emma Cleator

Community Governor - Cathryn Bradley

Teacher Governor – Jillian Cranmer

Parent Governor – Stuart Allanson

The Governing Body meets twice a term to discuss and make decisions about issues relating to the organisation of the school.

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Parents Information

The Average Child. We have written booklets which set out what the ‘average’ child can do independently in Maths, Reading and Writing for each year group. It is important to understand that the statements in these booklets are intended as a guide only an…

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