Educational Visits and Visitors

Educational Visits are usually planned in connection with work in the classroom. The majority of visits are made to sites on the island, with most being scheduled to fit into the school day. Children attend the excellent workshops, resourced and designed especially for them by The Manx Heritage Foundation, as well as other places of interest around our island. These facilitate a deeper understanding and knowledge of life, past and present, on the Isle of Man. We ask you to sign one permission slip at the beginning of the year to cover all local visits., and a letter will be sent home before each trip.

Children in Year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to go on a week long residential visit. This helps to develop their independence and resilience as they get ready to move on to Secondary School.

Many visitors come to school to share their interests, talents and skills with the children. If you, or someone you know, has a particular enthusiasm that would be of interest to the children and are willing to share it with them, then we would be pleased to hear from you. This kind of input enhances and enriches the children’s learning experience.

Extra - Curricular Activities

Developing children’s interests and enthusiasms is of prime concern to the staff, many of whom give time and effort voluntarily to provide a wide range of activities and clubs to enhance school life for the children. Activities include a range of sports, creative activities and ICT. The range of activities available to children varies from year to year and not all clubs are run every term.

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Parents Information

In this section you will find information about the day to day running of the school. The vast majority of this information can be found in our Parents Handbook which can be downloaded from here. Parent's Handbook September 21 The Average Child. We have…

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