Anti Bullying Policy


This Policy has been devised in order to ensure that the school full fills its remit of providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for learning where all members of the school community feel secure, valued and respected. The school also has a legal obligation to have in place a policy to tackle bullying and this document is designed to full fill this requirement.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the schools Behaviour Policy and e-safety policy.

This policy and definitions apply to both children and adults.


To ensure that no person at the School is subject to bullying.

To ensure that any allegation of bullying is dealt with clearly and promptly.

To ensure that all members of the school community feel safe and valued.

Role of all Adults

All adults who work at Jurby School are expected to follow this policy, and ensure that any occurrences of bullying are reported and dealt with promptly and to the satisfaction of all parties.

Definition of Bullying

At Jurby School we define bulling as ‘an act that is on going and repeated, deliberate and intentional and involves a power difference, e.g. a group of people picking on an individual or smaller group, or a larger or more senior person picking on a smaller or more junior person. The act itself will either physically or mentally hurt or upset the victim.’

Bullying takes many forms, including emotional, physical, racist, sexual, homophobic, and can be delivered either in person (verbal), by proxy (by telling someone else to do it for you) or by electronic means e.g. e-mail, text messages or social networking sites (Cyber Bullying).

Whilst the school is primarily concerned with bullying that takes place during school hours the school will work with and support other agencies to tackle bullying that takes place outside of school, e.g. at Youth Club.

Prevention of Bullying

The school holds regular assemblies and lessons with both a direct and indirect theme of bullying. All children are taught of the importance of telling an adult or other child they trust if they are, think they are, or suspect another person is being bullied.

Action taken by the School when they become aware of an allegation of bullying.

As soon as a member of staff becomes aware that an act of bullying is or has taken place (or they suspect it is taking place) they should immediately inform the Headteacher. (If they are not available then it should be reported to the Teacher in Charge.) This person will then discuss the incident with the class teacher (CT) and plan a strategy to deal with the allegation. All incidents of bullying are different therefore it is not possible to outline a complete plan, however the following guidelines will be followed.

1 Incident of bullying reported to HT.

2 Basic facts gathered and shared with CT.

3 Person being bullied is given the opportunity to discuss any issues they have.

4 Alleged “Bully/ies” are given the opportunity to discuss any incidents.

5 A plan to stop the bullying is drawn up by either the Headteacher or Class Teacher and shared with all parties.

Possible Sanctions taken by the school.

All incidents will be dealt with on an individual basis, therefore it is not possible to provide an exact list of sanctions that will betaken by the school. Sanctions that will be considered will include:-

Spending their break and lunch times walking with the duty adult in the playground.

Not being allowed to attend lunch time or after school clubs, unless they are part of the child’s legal entitlement.

Being sent off site for lunch. N.B. An adult would be required to collect and return the child to school.

Being given a ‘Red’ or ‘Yellow’ card, in line with the behaviour policy.

Fixed term exclusion from the school.

Action taken by School in the case of bullying being carried out by an Adult.

If any adult feels that they are being bullied, or suspects that another adult is being, or is acting as a bully they should immediately inform the Head Teacher. They will listen to any allegations made and will contact the DEC Human Resources team for advice. The adult being bullied may also choose to seek Union advice.

If an adult feels they are being bullied by the Head Teacher they should inform the schools Governing Body or DEC Human Resources Department and take advice from either these people or their Union.

Any incidents of bullying by or to a member of staff will be reported to the DEC.

Implementation of this Policy

This policy will be shared with all stakeholders. Staff and Governors will be given a copy and asked to read it before discussing it’s contents. Class Teachers will be asked to share it with their class during PSHE sessions in an age appropriate manner. Regular assemblies (1 per half term) will be held with an anti bullying theme. Additional assemblies and PSHE sessions will be held in following an incidents of bullying. Staff will be reminded of the need to read and follow the policy each September and after any changes are made.

Equal Opportunities

This policy applies to all adults at Jurby School and they are expected to follow it.


All staff will be responsible for the monitoring and review of this policy.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the IOM Government’s ‘Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Victimisation at Work Document.


September 2018

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School Policies

Please find below link to our main school policies. If you have any questions about the policy please get in touch. Our Safeguarding Policy is available here. Safeguarding Policy If you have any Safeguarding Concerns please speak to the Headteacher or yo…

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