Welcome to Jurby Community School

Jurby Community School is a small school serving the Community of Jurby and surrounding areas. The school forms the centre of the Village, along with the Shop and Health Centre and there is also a private nursery on our site.

The School building was opened in 1982 and consists of 5 classrooms, a Library, a number of small group rooms, a main hall and separate dinning area. In addition we have a large field and 2 play grounds, which are used for learning and play.

The children are taught in mixed age classes, with the make up of each class changing from year to year depending on the number of children in each year group. Our curriculum has a strong emphasis on preparing children for the challenges that life may give them, so as well as the traditional skills of reading, writing, maths, science we focus on the soft skills as well such as team work, problem solving and thinking creatively. We do some of this through outdoor learning, the Sound Start Music scheme which sees all children in Years 5 and 6 learning a musical instrument, and our Mile a Day, where children are challenged to walk or run a mile every day.

This website will provide you with an overview of our school, along with information for current parents. If your child is due to start school this year, please get in touch and arrange to come and visit our school to find out more.

Mr Nelson


Latest activity

Newsletter December 24

Newsletter Dec 24 Christmas Fundraising Thank you to everybody who bought tickets for our Christmas Sleigh. It was won by Nicole Everest. The combined total for our Christmas Fair and Sleigh of Christmas was over £1,000 and all of this money goes directly towards supporting all the children in our…

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Concerns and Complaints

We hope that during your time at our school you will be happy with everything that we say and do. In the unlikely event of you being unhappy please follow the steps below. 1) - Come and have a chat with us at the start or end of the day and let us know what the problem is. We will do our very best…

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Newsletter 16th February 2024

Newsletter 16.2.24 World Book Day Thursday 7th March is World Book Day, and as usual we would like to invite the children to come to school that day dressed as a character from a book if they wish. There is no charge for this. School Dinners, Snack and Cookery For those parents who choose to pay fo…

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This page contains links to all of our newsletters from this year. Please use the links on the left hand side to access them and read them.

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Review of the Year 2023
Published in the Blog

Our Review of the Year for 2022 - 2023 is now available to view below. Please share this with all your friends and family.Review of the Year 2023

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