Newsletter 16.2.24

World Book Day

Thursday 7th March is World Book Day, and as usual we would like to invite the children to come to school that day dressed as a character from a book if they wish. There is no charge for this.

School Dinners, Snack and Cookery

For those parents who choose to pay for school meals each half term, the cost for next half term will be £57.60. This can be paid via Parent Pay or in the school office.

Snack and Cookery for children in Class 1 will be £11. Again this can be paid via Parent Pay or directly to the office.

Children in Class 2 and 3 are welcome to bring in their own snack as school don’t provide it, however we have noticed that some of the children’s snacks are not terribly suitable. Please do not send your child in with sweets or chocolate or large ‘sharing’ bags of crips and other snacks. In addition drinks should be water, rather than energy drinks, fizzy drinks or other drinks that contain sugar, caffeine or artificial sweeteners, flavourings or colourings. These drinks have a negative effect on children’s ability to learn. Thank you for your support with this.

What has been happening in School this Term?

Class one began the new year by going on a winter walk. We looked out for signs of winter and made frost angels on the ground.

In art we created arctic landscapes using shaving foam, the children loved the feel of the foam and were fascinated by the texture it made.

In science we looked at materials and their properties. The children had the task of freeing treasure from a block of ice. They predicted the quickest method and used a hairdryer, a blanket, gloves and the sun to carry out the investigation. They predicted correctly and the hairdryer freed the treasures the quickest.

For Chinese New Year, we learnt about ‘The Great Race’ and how the Chinese Zodiac came to be. We also learnt how to say ‘Happy New Year’ in Chinese, made new years banners, tried fortune cookies and made Chinese red dragons.

With Valentine’s day and pancake day being very close together, our cookery lesson had a focus of friendship this week. Each child asked a friend what they would like on their pancake, created the pancake for them and then gave the pancake to their friend. Each child was kind, caring and thoughtful to their friends and thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes that had been created. We then had our annual pancake race!

Next term, our new topic is dinosaurs and the classroom is already beginning to look prehistoric!

Class 2

As part of their work in science on animals and their needs for survival, class 2 spent a marvellous day at the Wildlife Park. While there they witnessed the feeding of different groups of animals including penguins, pelicans and meerkats. They were also praised by Park staff for their knowledge and inquisitive questioning. The behaviour by all pupils was exemplary.

Class two also welcomed Beth from Manx Wildlife Trust, who took them on a bird watching tour of the school grounds. Following the tour each pupil made a pinecone feeder and a feeder made from recycled milk cartons.

Class 3 Round Up

We have had a very busy half term in Class 3! Our topic is The Romans, and as ever we find we remember most when we include food, so we had a great Literacy session one morning following instructions on how to build a Roman Road - out of digestives, custard creams, Smarties, Maltesers and Custard! The results proved way more delicious than you would imagine.

In science we have been learning about the heart and the circulatory system, and the children have all worked really hard to remember this. One morning we made “blood smoothies” using pineapple juice, raspberries and white chocolate drops to represent the different elements of blood! Since it was Valentine’s Day this week, we’ve even tried dissecting a heart.

In PE we have been learning to play “Nearly Netball”. Its “Nearly” netball, because we don’t have any goals in the school hall and it’s been too cold to go outside, but we have been practising netball skills and gradually introducing the game, so that Year 6 have at least a bit of an idea when they get to RGS! We have some really good players - especially amongst the boys! This week in Music we have split into groups to begin our own composition for Make Music Day, which will take place in the summer term and will feature all the Soundstart bands on the island. Watch this space!

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