Newsletter 30.9.22

Dear Parents,

Next Thursday (6th October) we are holding our Harvest Festival, starting at 2.45pm. This event is open to all our community, so please do come along and join in.

As part of the Harvest Festival we are asking the children to bring in either some vegetables, or a cake, or bread. We will use these donations to make a Harvest Lunch of soup, bread and cake, which we will be serving the next day to any members of our community who would like to come along. We will be asking the older children to help prepare and serve the lunch, as well as talk to the people who come along. (All children will have their own lunch as normal.)

If you plan to come along to the Harvest Lunch, or know of somebody who is, please can you let us know either by responding to the ‘event’ on our Facebook page, or letting Mrs Patterson know. People are of course welcome to simply turn up, but it would help us if we had a rough idea of numbers.

Parent Governor

Following the letter that went home a couple of weeks ago I received only one fully completed nomination form. I am therefore pleased to announce that Elsie and Joney’s father Mr Phil Corkill has been appointed as Parent Governor for the next two years. The role of Parent Governor is to represent the views of parents at the Governors’ meetings, and to bring to the meeting anything which parents wish to be discussed, normally, but not exclusively, if the parent has not been able to have their concerns addressed by discussing them with myself first.

School Photos

Our annual school photos will this year be taken by Andrew Barton, on Tuesday 11th October.

Andrew will be in school from 8.30am to take photos of children with siblings who are either too old, or too young to attend Jurby School. There is no need to book, please just come along.

We will automatically take photos of all children on their own and with any siblings who are in school, unless you ask us not to. If you would like your child to have their photo taken with a child who is not their sibling e.g. Cousins, please complete the slip below and return it to us, or send us a text.

There is no need to return the slip if you only want photos of your children on their own and with their siblings.

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