The list of websites below is of various websites and online resources that can be used to help with your child's learning. We will add more to this list as we go, along with suggestions for activities, and will place the new and updated links at the top of the page. Please note this list is provided for reference purposes only and the individual sites and their contents are not affiliated with Jury Community School or the Department of Education, Sport and Culture.

Wednesday 25th March BBC Bitesize, aimed at children of all levels and abilities. Top Marks Maths. Interactive games that are put into the different areas of maths. They are also sorted into age groups (tabs at the top of the games). Children in Class 1 sometimes use these games in school. White Rose Maths. This should link well with the Maths books we sent home with every child. Select your child's year group and there are a range of lessons that they can work through, complete with an explanation film for them to watch, an activity for them to complete and the answers. Please don't do more than one lesson a day.

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Home Learning

Welcome back to our Home Learning Page Jurby Community School Home Learning Offer Please find details below of our home learning plans. I would like to stress from the outset, that in our opinion the mental health and well being of the whole family is th…

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