Our online learning will start again tomorrow morning (Monday), with the times staying the same as they were before the holiday. Just in case you have forgotten, the times are:-
Reception Children - These will take place at 10.00am on a Tuesday and Thursday and last around 20 minutes.
Year 1 and 2 Children - These will take place at 10.00am on a Monday and Wednesday, again for around 20 minutes.
On a Friday we will hold a meeting at 10.00am for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, and we hope that this will be a fun event to end the week.
Children in Class 2 (Mrs Radcliffe) will have a daily meeting, starting at 10.15am, lasting for around 45 minutes.
Children in Class 3 will have a daily meeting starting at 11.00am, which will last for up to an hour.
If you are a key worker, have no other options, and need to send your child to school from Tuesday, please fill in the short form at https://forms.office.com/r/UYpFaPNRPT
Please do this by 12 noon on Monday, so that we can plan for the rest of the week.
Free school meal vouchers will be issued for the forthcoming week, and should arrive shortly.
We are aiming for a full return to school from Monday 19th, but this is still subject to COMIN approval. As soon as we know, we will let you know, along with details about how school will run.
If anybody has any questions, please get in touch.
Mr Nelson