Tuesday 20th July
Dear Parents’
Following todays news of a positive COVID 19 test in our school community we are making a few changes to our plans for the rest of the week, which are outlined below.
Awards Night
We have decided to postpone our awards night, and will hold it instead in September. This is due to a combination of the fact that many children who were due to perform in the concert will not be attending, and our wish to try and keep our extended community safe. Our provisional plans are to combine it with our Harvest Festival, and an art exhibition, that we had already started to plan. The provisional date and time for this event is Wednesday 29th September at 7.00pm. This will be confirmed in September. Our current Year 6’s will of course be invited to attend.
We hope that by postponing this event it will enable everyone to attend safely.
Fun Day
Our original plans were to mix the children up for our fun day and to work in house groups. We have reviewed these arrangements and will now be working in our class groups. During the day the children will take part in some fun games and activities, in a COVID safe and secure way. Whilst this won’t be quite what we had planned we feel it is important to try and strike a balance between ‘business as usual’ and ‘lockdown’, and our overriding concern is to keep all the members of our community safe.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club will continue for the rest of this week, however this does involve children from different classes mixing inside. Please bear this in mind when deciding if you will be sending your child to Breakfast Club for the rest of this week.
Visitors to School
Whilst we normally have an ‘open door’ policy, for the next few days we are asking that parents and visitors do not come into the school, but instead meet us outside.
If you have any questions about these arrangements please just ask.
Best wishes
Mr W Nelson