Dear Parents
Awards Evening
Our annual prize evening takes place next Wednesday, 21st July at 7.00pm. As usual we will be presenting a range of awards and prizes to children across the school, not just those who are leaving us.
We keep details of our prize winners top secret until the moment they are announced. None of the prize winners, or their parents know that they have won, so we would encourage everyone to come along on the evening.
During the evening Class 3’s Windband will be performing, they will also be entertaining us with a play they have written about themselves. In addition, Children in Class 2 will be performing some songs.
Children in Class 3 need to arrive at school by 6.30pm and should go to their classroom. Children in Class 2 need to arrive by 6.45pm and again should go to their classroom. Children in Class 1 can sit with you. All children should come wearing their school uniforms.
We have decided this year to hold the Awards Night outside, as part of our current COVID mitigations. The event will take place on the playground, with parents and extended family sitting on the top half of the playground.The performers will sit on the lower part.
The event will still be open to all, (provided you are showing no symptoms,) but we plan to try and space out the seating between family groups as much as possible. It would aid us in setting up the event if each family could return the slip below, indicating how many will be attending. We can then try and organise the seats in advance. Thank you for your help with this.
As the event will be taking place on the playground, this area will not be available for parking. There will be space available in the both the Community Centre Car Park and on the Parade Square. A small amount of parking will be available in the school car park for those with restricted mobility.
Dear Parents
Fun Day - Thursday 22nd July
We will be holding a Fun Day in school on Thursday 22nd July, in place of our whole school trip out. During the day the children will have the opportunity to go on an inflatable assault course, learn some circus style skills, decorate a cake, take part in karaoke, play with some giant outdoor games, and take part in some ‘silly’ games and races.
The day will then end with some party food, including the cake they decorated.
The children can come to school in non uniform for the day, and should wear clothes that they can run and jump about in. They may get a little wet during some of the ‘silly’ games and races. The majority of the activities will take place outside, so please ensure that your child has a sun hat and sun cream with them.
Lunch will be as normal, and we would like to thank the Friends of Jurby School for covering the costs of the day.
Best Wishes
Will Nelson
PS - Friday 23rd July is the last day of term, and so in line with tradition will also be a non uniform day.14.7.21. Letter