Dates for the Year 2017 - 2018 are

Wednesday 6th September - Start of Term

Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November - Half Term

Friday 22nd December - Last Day of Term

Monday 8th January 2018 - Start of Term

Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February - Half Term

Thursday 29th March - Last day of Term

Monday 16th April - Start of Term

Monday 7th May - Bank Holiday

Monday 28th May - Bank Holiday

Friday 1st June - Friday 8th June - TT Holiday

Thursday 5th July - School Closed - Tynwald Day

Friday 20th July - Last day of Term

Dates for the next two years can be downloaded below.


Holidays in Term Time

On educational grounds, neither the Department of Education and Children nor the school either supports or encourages additional time being taken off school for holiday purposes. Securing leave of absence for this purpose should not be regarded as a formality and should be applied for in advance, not retrospectively.

Leave of absence will only be granted for more than 10 school days in any academic year in exceptional circumstances, and any time taken off school for which leave of absence has not been granted will be recorded as an unauthorised absence and may be investigated by the Department of Education and Children’s attendance officer. If you wish to apply for a leave of absence for your child you should do so by writing to the Headteacher outlining why it is essential for the trip to take place during term time, giving as much notice as possible

A holiday request form can be downloaded below.


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Parents Information

In this section you will find information about the day to day running of the school. The vast majority of this information can be found in our Parents Handbook which can be downloaded from here. Parent's Handbook September 21 The Average Child. We have…

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